bmech_bodyCOM computes the overall body center of mass based on weightings of individual segment COM and adds information as new channel in file ARGUMENTS fld ... folder to operate on NOTES - Formula for whole body COM based on ratios from Demster COM = sum(m_i com_i) / sum (m_i) COM = (m_1 *com_1 + m_2*com_2 + ... + m_n * com_n ) / sum (m_i) COM = m_1*com_1 / sum(m_i) + m_2*com_2 / sum(m_i) + .. + m_n*com_n / sum(m_i) COM = r_1 *com_1 + r_2 *com_2 + ... + r_n *com_n for each m_i the ratio r_i was used. see for list of ratios